What are warts?

There are many types of skin warts: the most frequent are the common and plantar ones.

Warts are benign and frequent skin lesions caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) infection

Common Warts

They are the most common type of wart. They appear as an abnormal outgrowth in skin areas often exposed to rubbing and friction, such as on fingers, elbows and knees, and will tend to enlarge if not treated early on. The wart can spread to other parts of the body and be passed on to other people.

Plantar warts

They mainly occur on the soles of the feet and nail contours. Plantar warts often appear as small, outgrowths on the soles of the feet and are characterised by skin that is thickened and rough to the touch. They generally have a yellowish colour and contain small black dots, which are coagulated blood vessels. They can cause discomfort and even pain, making it difficult to place the foot on the ground and walk.



How to recognise them?

Common warts

Common warts are the most prevalent type (about 70%), followed by plantar and flat warts. They have an irregular surface, rounded shape, variable size and rough appearance, with black dots at their centres. They mainly effect the backs of hands and fingers and nail contours. More rarely, they can occur on palms, elbows and knees.

Simple plantar warts

These warts are very common ones. They have a yellowish colour and are rough, thick and flaky. They often are found on the soles, heels and toes. Plantar warts are deep-rooted and usually cause pain when walking.

Mosaic plantar warts

These warts are less common than simple plantar warts, and form mosaic-like clusters. They may often appear on the soles of feet in the form of several whitish patches positioned close to each other. They are flat and tend not to hurt while walking.

Prevention and remedies

How to deal with and solve the problem of warts in a short time? Here are some tips, useful for the whole family, to prevent and treat these annoying skin infections.